Keeping The Blues Away
To make things worse, your child which is in desperate need of new clothes just told you that the only pair of jeans that still fit are broken. Now you feel really let down and frustrated. The kind of feelings you definitely shouldnt be having to get to where you want to go, have taken over before you even knew what was happening. You land up in tears, feeling sorry for your self and naturally youve forgotten that you got yourself into this situation all by yourself. Of course its somebody elses fault. Why hasnt that useless s.o.b paid his child maintenance? Forget the fact that you chose him in the first place.
So now you feel like you should have known better all along. You should have not changed your mind about anything. At least when you were operating in the competitive way you still had friends you could whine to, but now that youve completely alienated yourself youre wondering how and why did this happen when you were trying so hard to practice The Science Of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles. You read a couple of other books that basically said the same: You get what you think about. What you resonate is what you get.
Chanting out affirmations to myself and feeling yippy skippy on the outside didnt have any staying power as I discovered on route to my new and better life. I really thought I was doing everything properly, I had a clear mental image of what I wanted. I was visualising when I went to bed and I visualised in the morning when I woke up. I kept my gratitude journal and wrote down all the things I was grateful for which was everything. But still it appeared as though Lady Luck was alluding me.
And that was my mistake, believing that Lady Luck was alluding me. I didnt have any belief that I could have wealth, real wealth, the kind which encompasses genuine inner happiness combined with material wealth. I just plain couldnt see it. It was only when I picked up a bible myself and read the part where Jesus said all things are possible to those that believe did my channel to receive open. Thats how it all began for me.
Wallace Wattles says in the Science Of Getting Rich: As you go on in the certain way, opportunities will come to you in increasing number and you will need to be very steady in your faith and purpose, and to keep in close touch with the supreme mind by reverent gratitude.
Now I am steady in faith and embrace each moment of my life with genuine anticipation of prosperity! Keeping the blues away is easy when you know how. Just believe, everything you can imagine is yours, thats why its in YOUR imagination. Just get a grip on that, if you can see it and believe without a doubt that its yours then it will be so.
Claudia Apfelthaler manifested her poor self into her rich self by paying attention to the Universal laws of attraction. Of all the things she at least expected, was to get involved with MLM. This prooved for her to be profitable and a lot of fun. She loves people and really enjoys helping them see beyond the mere physical appearances of any situation. She can be visited around the clock at Blog7603
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